Wayfinding and communication solutions

Do you want to improve
customer service
in your hotel?


Improve your brand visibility and identity through wayfinding and communication solutions suitable for your needs.


Easy-to-reach destinations thanks to simple and effective signage study placement.


Help create a peaceful environment for your guests and staff, facilitating their movement and spatial orientation.


Constant support in finding the best solutions for your environment, quick to install and easy to be integrated.

How do we help improve customer service in your hotel?



The outdoor space of a building is the first element that captures your customer's attention. It is therefore essential to seek solutions that enhance outdoor spaces in order to contribute to the success of the entire business.
This applies not only to hotels but also to bars and restaurants. Making the outdoors livable and welcoming allows customers to find their way around quickly. By increasing the usable area with queue management solutions the capacity of the place increases, and consequently its profitability. 



The main purpose, and perhaps the most important, of the hotel reception is the guest management, from the first moment until the end of their stay. It goes without saying, therefore, that it is essential to make a good first impression as this will positively or negatively affect the rest of the stay.
Making the customer feel at ease right away and avoiding long queues by reducing waiting times helps to make the experience more pleasant for the guest and to create a more peaceful and productive work environment. 



In hotels everything is in motion, and there are many transit areas: corridors, elevators, stairs. Improving the quality and attention to detail in transit points is essential.
Therefore, the importance of these areas should not be underestimated. Although by definition these are not areas where customers stop, it is essential that they are welcoming and functional to foster a sense of orientation and welcome in the guests. 



If the reception is the 'business card' of the hotel, the rooms play a central role in the customer experience. Taking care of the room is fundamental to be competitive on the market. It is essential that guests feel at ease and above all that the furniture of the room is in line with their needs.
The more you improve the details, the more the bookings will increase. The guest is looking for the 'new' that he could not find elsewhere, so it is essential not to leave anything to chance.



Common areas such as the hall, the first environment the customer sees, must be able to immediately convey the character of the structure. These are not transit areas, but places to live as work or relaxation areas, or dedicated to hosting events.
Depending on the type of clientele and available space, it is essential to enrich these areas with communication solutions with an elegant and refined design, which can make your customers feel at home, creating comfortable and stimulating environments. 

Find the differences...

Our Products



Our SIGN LINE message panels allow to quickly identify directional information and easily locate places and services, addressing people to the different areas. The message gets changed very quickly thanks to the easy opening of the magnetic frame, allowing to always have up-to-date information.

Quick message change thanks to the easy opening of the magnetic frame;
Customized magnetic protection;
Flexible installation: wall-mounted, glass-mounted, hanging from the ceiling, on cables, flag, and desk panel;
Different formats available;
• Elegant and refined design.



Our LED CHROME allows you to create a visually striking effect thanks to its colored magnetic frames and its elegant and refined design. It is composed of a transparent methacrylate sheet combined with a magnetic strip along the sides that allows to easily open and close it. These solutions can be placed in any environment, thus enhancing your communication activity.

Quick message change thanks to the easy opening of the magnetic frame;
• Available accessory: colored magnetic frame, easy and quick to remove;
• Hanging on low voltage cables or stylus;
• Modular systems to create compositions;
• Elegant and refined design.


Our Mobiflex Compact is a movable dividing wall on wheels with brakes, perfect for creating new workspaces or quickly separating wide open spaces. These partition walls allow you to make the most of your existing spaces, thus improving your employees’ quality of life at work.

• Accordion style room divider, easy to be stored in small spaces;
• Available with 94cm and 134cm doors;
2, 3, 4 or 5 door configurations;
• Possibility to customize the doors with company graphics and logos;
• Also available with sound-absorbing foam panels



Our luminous frames allow you to communicate with your visitors in an impactful and effective way, highlighting images and information and at the same time enriching your environment, making it more dynamic, innovative, and lively.

• Possibility to change RGB colors through the Mobile App;
• Hanging on low voltage cables or stylus;
• Modular systems to create compositions;
• Elegant and refined design. 



• Our Tendiflex® products ensure people flow management and reduced waiting times;
• The Tendiflex® Sphere is a totally customizable product (sphere, cap, and webbing) with company logo and colors;
• Both models are available with ergonomic and magnetic tape-ends;
• The belt retracts more slowly than common belts, thus avoiding hurting people or objects;
• Extremely durable and robust, stable up to 65° inclination;
• The possibility to choose a magnetic base ensures more stability to the product.


Years’ experience


Countries in the world


Hotel served


Year product lifetime

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Local production site: Via Primo Maggio, 35/41 - 25010 – Isorella (Brescia), Italy
 Ph: +39-030-353.1005 | E-mail: info@flexindustries.it | P.I. (VAT) 04186200988


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