The Project

The use of geometric elementary structures and cold materials adapt to the environment and finishes present in the architectural project in order to give emphasis and physicality to the architectural work. The simple and minimal design allows for graphic and textual content  to have a primary role in signage.

Project Guidelines

Identify and rationalize the pedestrian flows within the metro

Facilitate the use of information for passengers

Signage perfectly inserted in the environmental context

" It's magnificent, it's really great. It is quite simple and absolutely pure."

Anish Kapoor

Design of characters and pictograms

The perfect success of a high-performance and clear signage is given not only by the actual product, but also and above all by the characters and pictograms that make up the signal. That's why choosing a clear and legible font combined with immediate pictograms is a fundamental operation that will make the signage functional for the passenger.


Study of the product line

Prodotti unici, eleganti e ad alto d’impatto visivo che vengono inseriti in un contesto ampio e articolato creando un percorso direzionale ben chiaro fornendo all’utente tutte le informazioni di cui necessita. 
Finiture in vetro extrachiaro personalizzato mediante stampa diretta, il tutto unito con profili in alluminio anodizzato di colore nero.
Tutto pensato per essere in completa simbiosi con l'ambiente.


Design and development of pictograms

A simple drawing that highlights some details of the real object to draw attention to them. This work was carried out for the creation of the pictogram AI TRENI. From the ALFA 3 electric train model destined for line 7, the pictogram that identifies the platform for accessing trains was designed. A pictogram which, combined with the wording, makes reading the signs faster and more immediate.


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